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The photos follow the arrangement of chapters in Painting stories. Most of the titles and photos link to additional photographs that complement the book illustrations.

The Puri painting. By courtesy of Denmark’s National Museum

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Helle and Prasanta, 1991

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Jagannath guides one of his  apprentices

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Helle and Seema at the riverbed, painted by Tophan Moharana, 1989

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Tophana Moharana at work in the studio

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Helle with her helmet, 1991

Jagannath figurines

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Sula with her husband and daughter, 1994

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Sula Moharana working on her roof, 1989

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Feet decorated with olata, 1991

Sula Moharana with her portrait, painted by her son Dibasish, 2020

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Tophana Moharana and Helle, 1991

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Gangadhar Nayak decorates one of his Gotipur pupils, 2017

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In the aftermath of cyclone Fani, 2019

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